The Vedic fathers of geology

2 Tur Vepic Faturrs or Groroey.

history of animate creation also occupy geology, not to mention the discovery of facts substantiated by proofs, that “the external parts of the Earth were not all produced in the beginning of things in the state” in which we now actually see them, but that, on the contrary, they “acquired their actual configuration and condition gradually, under a variety 0 circumstances and at successive periods, ” during each of which, distinct kinds of plants and living beings flourished in waters as also on land, the remains of which are still found buried in the Harth’s crust.

Professor John W. Judd, another geologist says that, “ Geology is the science which investigates the successive changes that have taken place in the inorganic and organic kingdoms of nature. It inquires into the causes of those changes and the influence which they have asserted in modifying the surface and external structure of our planet.” (The Student’s Lyell. Edited by J. W. Judd, 1896. p. 1.)

Professor Charles Lapworth maintains, that the object of Geology is to eXamine the various materials of our planet, to describe the origin of rocks which build up the Earth’s crust, to imvestigate the nature and modes of the formation of rocks, to mark she various changes they have undergone, to note the fossils and thei order of