The Vedic fathers of geology

Tap Vepie Discoveries In GEoLoGy. ष

thetic inyaders had consigned to the flames, and reduced to ashes, immense libraries in various parts of India, and the scenes of devastations, massacres, and plunders, which lasted through ages, have only served to revive the memory of the past. In short, after almost every city and capital was stormed and repeatedly sacked by barbarous foes, ruthless enemies, and exasperated plunderers, nearly all that was sacred in religion, every thine that was devoted to science, and whatever was but wonderfully remarkable in art, was destroyed without compunction and without remorse. It is, therefore, too much to expect that the literature of the country should not have suffered irretrievableloss,’ by the wholesale destruction of valuable productions of men of genius, of genuine scientific works, and of useful arts and industry. Hence, evidently, the dearth and absence of Vedie or Past-Vedie Geological Literature.

With these requisite prelimimary observations, [ shall proceed to investigate the subject

1 Vide the Authors Hindu Mmpire or Bharatiya Samrdjya. Vol. iii, Introduction, and Chapter XV.

In connection with this sort of Vandalism, it is also yery painful to note, that the great and wonderful Library of Nalanda which contained a considerable stock of yery interesting productions of Science andArt, of ancient literature and wisdom, was reduced to ashes, as noticed before. ( Vide Introduction, Foot-note 3 )