The Vedic fathers of geology

8 Tue Vepic Faruers oF GEOLOGY.

in hand. Before, however, dealing with the Vedic Literature, which abounds in allusions to a variety of distinct geological formations of different periods, I shall briefly refer to the Code of Manu, the Puranas, and the Maha-Bharata, as they contain fragmentary details of, and garbed allusions to, geological rocks.

Going back first to the times of Manu, the great Hindu Lawegiver, it will be perceived how he has described the primary formations of our Planet. For, he says, that all this was, at first, in a chaotic state. The Heavens then created waters, and the Earth became enveloped therein. Subsequently, life was produced in it, and it gave rise to a variety of seeds or progressive vitality.

असीदिदं तमोभ्रूतमधज्ञातमछक्षणञ्‌ । अप्रतकर्यमविज्ञेयं पञुतामेव सर्वतः ॥ ५ अप एव ससर्जादौ तासु बीजसवाखजत्‌ ॥ ८ ॥

( सनुस्मरतिः १-५।८ ).

As to the age’ of Manu, it appears that he flourished some three thousand years ago, or one

1 In regard to this, Elphinstone in his History of India says ‘This would make the author of the Code ( Manu ) live about 90) years before Christ. That the Code is very ancient is proved by the difference of religion and manners from those of the present times, no less than by the obsolete style.” p, 438. 2nd Edn.

Another Historian Dr, Sir Wm. Hunter remarks, “ Schlegel was confident that it (the date of Manu )} could not be later than 1,000 B. ©. (Indian Empire p, 114, 2nd Edn. )