The Vedic fathers of geology

Tue Vepic DiscovERtEs IN GEOLOGY. १19

sand years ago. Vor, says Dr. Bhandarkar, “It thus appears, that in the latter part of the sixth century, the war which forms the theme of the Maha Bharat was considered to have taken place, about four thousand years before.” ( Antiquity of Mah’ Bhirata, Journal, Bombay Royal Asiatic Society. No. XXVIII. Vol. X 1871-72).

Professor Wilson, another Oriental scholar kmown to fame, also speaks of the genuineness and great antiquity of some of the Puranas, in the following terms :—‘‘A very great portion of the contents of many ( Purdnas), some portion of the contents of all,isgenuineand old.” ( Vishnu Purina. Preface. p. VI )

Turning to the Maha Bharata, we find in the latter frequent allusions made to the sueessive vital gradations, which distinctly show knowledge of, and acquaintance with, the various geological life-types of different epochs, ranging from the Vindhyan (faeT#1s) or Pre-Cambrian period of the Paleozoic vitality to the Miocene Era (Srarfeam) of the Caimozoic or Tertiary times.

Thus, if seems, that during all these times, viz. after the Vedie period, our ancestors had apparently neglected to cultivate the science of Geology. They, therefore, could not be in touch with geological facts and details ; while want .of research, coupled with mcomplete investigations