The Vedic fathers of geology


Thule of the Vedic antiquity, in as much as the Aryan Civilization and the primitive Vedic life appear to have preceded the Vedic Antiquity by thousands of years. For, the oldest Vedic Rishis themselves speak in the Rig-Veda of their most ancient ancestors and of the by-gone ages, as also of thew then modern generation, as will be seen from the following :आः पूर्वे भ क्रषिभिरीडयो रूतनैरुत । ( ऋ० वे° १-१-२ ). “Aoni is the God that deserves to be praised by Rishis or Sages, ancient as well as modern.” येषां प्र्वेषासश्चणो ऋषीणाम्‌ । ( ऋ० वे ७-२९-४ ). ^“ (01 कक्कर ( [पतात )) एतया 18 _listened to the praises of our older ancestors.” इदं नम कािभ्यः पूर्वजेभ्यः रेभ्यः पाथिकरद्‌भ्यः। ( ऋ०° वे° १०-१४-१५ ). “Bow to our older ancestors that led us to good path, and to the Rishis born before the creation” —( @zaratgaaea: as explained by the great commentator Sayana ) This beg the case, it is no wonder that the trend of thought of western Scholars should also be in the same direction, and it is in the