The Vedic fathers of geology


(3) Did they belong to the Tertiary [निक्ष

( + ) Had they seen the Great Ice-Age ?

(5) If so, is there any evidence in the Rig- Veda or other Vedic and Avestic works, to support the statement and fortify the conclusions ?

(6) Is there any scientifie evidence to prove the existence of the Tertiary Man ?

It will be perceived that an answer to the last question would serve asa key to the solution of the second, the third, and the fourth. I shall, therefore, try to do justice to it first, in view of making our task simpler and easier, in respect of the rest of the aforesaid queries.

Now, Messrs. Medlicott and Blanford of the Indian Geological Survey by the Government of India make the following observations in respect of the Miocene deposits and Shiwaélik Mammalia of India :—* The valley gravels of the Indian Peninsula, and especially some fossiliferous beds inthe Narbadi valley, contain a few Shiwdalik Mammalia, associating with species more nearly allied to those now living. Remains of human implements have also been detected in these gravels, which are probably of Post—Tertiary or Pleistocene age.” ( Vide Manual of the Geology of India. p LV )