The Vedic fathers of geology


But, the fact that man has been in existence from the Tertiary Period seems now to be an acknowledged fact, as the same has been proved by scientifie evidence. For, Professor Ernst Heckel of Germany says, “‘ The first appearance of man, or to speak more correctly the development of man from the most nearly allied apeform dates probably either from the Miocene or the Plocene period, from the middle or the latest section of the Tertiary Epoch.” ( Evolution of Man. Vol. II. p 16. 1879 )

Dr. Noetling also had, in 1894, discovered the works of Pliocene Man in Upper Burmah. ( Keane’s Ethnology. p 454. Edition 1899 )

Moreover, Professor Keane has stated in his other work “ Man Past and Present” that, * Flints” (worn and polished by human action ) have been “found im Situ associated with the remains of such extinct fauna as Rhinoceros * * * assigned to the Lower Pliocene. ” (p 5. Ed. 1899)

Dr. Frederick Wright also maintains, that relics of Man are found im the Tertiary Epoch, and declares that, “the expectation of finding evidence of Pre-Glacial Man in Ohio was justified soon after this,’ that is, in 1855. ( Vide his work ^“ Man and the Glacial Period. ” p 249. Ed. 1892 )