The Vedic fathers of geology

36 Tue Vepic Fatuers 07 (0.06.

In the first place, the traditional impressions seem to have been current and even engraved on the hearts of the Indian Aryans of the Manu-Period, that Aryayarta has been their cradle ; that this region was the source of pure ८८24८ ( सदा चारः ), handed down from generation to generation ( पारर्यकयानतः । zo Ho 2-26) ; that as such, it was even thought worthy of being copied and learnt by other nations on Earth, from the Brahmans ( एतदेशप्रखतस्य सकाडाकच्रजन्मनः। स्वं स्व चरितं शिक्षरन्पराथिव्यां सर्वमानवाः ॥ He स्म ° २-२० ) ; 110 that the country beyond the limits of the sacrificial Region, viz. Aryayarta, belonved to foreigners ( स्टेच्छटेश वतः परः । = = स्मर ° २-२३ ).

Moreover, if at all, we ourselyes were foreigners in Aryavarta, and had immigrated into the Land of the Seven Rivers, Manu certainly would never have said that, ^“ the country beyond the confines of Aryavarta was of the Mlechhas.” Because, evidently enough, there could have been no propriety in using the expression. Now, as to the further traditional testimony, I may here briefly observe, that it is not only the Hindus or rather the Indo-Aryans that think themselves to be autochthonous in India in consequence of the hoary traditions received from father toson, but it is also the foreigners that consider