The Vedic fathers of geology



India asthe cradle of the Hindus. lor, while discussing this question, Elphinstone im his History of India says : “It is oppose to their, foreign origin, that neither in the Code’ (of Manu ), nor, [ believe, in the Vedas, nor im any book that is certainly older than the Code, is there any allusion to a prior residence, or to a knowledge of more than the name of any country out of India. Even mythology goes no further than the Himalaya chain, in which is fixed the habitation of the gods.” -( History of India. Vol. I. p. 97. Second Edition )

Besides, in regard to the deep-rooted traditions of us—Indians—in respect c£ ^ एवै yarta haying been our cradle, I cannot do hetter than quote the words of the great commentator, For, Kulluka is the name ot the exegetist who has written his eommentory on the Code of Manu, and he declares in no equiyoeal language to the effect, that “ Arydvarta isthe region where Aryans were born, and are born, and re-born, over and over again.” The original in Sanskrit, under verse 22, Book Saeond, of Manu’s Code, runs as follows ध

आर्या अजावर्तन्ते पनः पुनरुटन्तीच्यायविर्तः ।

But, more than this, even before and-at che time of Maba-Bharata, the idea> having

taken a deep root, had a fam hoid: en: the 4