The Vedic fathers of geology


on, or that- his origin has to be sought in, the mountain of the creat Himalayan chain ( गिरिषु ey zt) 1. V. EX. 82.8), and that Parjanya was the father of Soma ( astea: faar ata R Vv. IX. 82.3). For, Soma has been called Maujawata, simply for the reason that he was born on the Munjavat Mountain ( समस्यत लाज aqeq R. V. X. 34. 1); and as to the location of this mountain, we have the testimony of the Maha-Bharata, from which we learn that the Munjavat Mountain lies on the slopes of the Himalaya.

गिरेहिसवतः पृद्धे खंजवान्नाम पवतः । ( महाभार १४-८-१ ).

Thus, there appears no doubt whatever as tothe origin of Soma having. been in Aryavarta, as he was born on the grent Himalaya Mountain. This Soma, however, being the Himalayan Soma, has been considered from time immemorial to be of the best kind and of the finest quality. For, while commenting on ( RigVeda X. 34, 1), Sdyana, the well-known: Hxegetist of our four Vedas, has strongly certihed as to the superior quality of the Soma grown on the Munjavat mountain, and said °“ द्ूजवाति पर्वते जातो सीजवतः। तस्य ! तञह्यत्तमः सोमो जायने । ' There is yet another place where Soma is grown, or at any rate used to grow previously, and the