The Vedic fathers of geology

42 Tur Vepric Farsrrs Or Groxocy.

same appears to be the Sharyanivat Lake, in the Province of Kurnkshetra, as we find refarence made to the fact in the Rig- Veda itself. For, says the verse, “ Let Vritra-slaying Indra drink Soma by Sharyan4vata’s side,” ( Griffith ). शर्यगावाति सोममिन्द्रः पिबतु gaa | ( Rig-Veda. IX. 113. 1 ) While making comments on this verse, Siyana writes as under :-—aavai@ a adorasne Besa जघना az | तत्रस्थितं सोजं बनहेच्छः पिवतु ; In the circumstances, there remains not the slightest doubt, in regard to the origin and growth of Soma, in Aryavarta and Aryavarta alone, and nowhere else jand evidently, it was from here that Indra, after drinking Soma, carried his victorious arms to the North उत्तरोभवन्‌), giving his ready assistance to the Sacrificers (R. V. I. 130. 8; ante p 40), and destroying the nou-sacrificers ( R. V. VIL, 14. 15 ) असन्वामिन्ठसं पदं विष्रचीव्यनाडायः । WATT AAT ।¦ ( ऋ° वे° ८-१४-१५). Turning to Indra, we find that Soma is his पलः ( सौमः..-जनितेन्दस्य १. V. IX. 96. 5 ), and that he (Indra ) was born on the mountain in the very house of his father (aga R. V. I. 48.2). We further perceive that Indra had asked for the Soma-drink, immediately after he was born, and that his mother had supplied