The Vedic fathers of geology

46 Tar Vepvic FatTarrs of GEoLoGy

origin in AryAvarta, retain an inseparable connection witn the Land of the Seven Rivers, where Indra with the aid of Soma had achieved the ever memorable exploits, which, to speak in the homely language, were nothing else than the occurrence of the grand phenomena of Nature, of which, after our first progeniters—the ancestors of our Rig-Vedic fore-fathers—were born in A’ryAvart, they were but naturally the primitive observer's, in this land of their birth. Evidently, their observations had made ever-lasting intpressions on their mind, and as they thought these were of great moment and of utmost importance, they had taken extreme care to serupulously preserve them intact, and hand them down to posterity for thei benefit.

Accordingly, it appears that our Rze- Vedic Rishis had but traditionally received the jirst impressions of our progenitors, and they had ‘simply disburdened themselves by giving them an expression and a form of speech. They, thus, have bequeathed to us the richest legacy, the Mankind could reeeive, as it forms but a érze and @ brilliant recerd ot our first werds, a authentic source of our first umpressions, and the

fountain-head of our genuine history, cemmenc-

ing even from our Cradle. I shall now advert to 73, the Cloud-sexpent, always found associated with Indra, and ex-