The Vedic fathers of geology


Europe anywhere, much less the God of that name. Besides, even Dr. Taylor declares that, “In the Avesta there is barely a vestige of the great name of Indra, nor ean it be traced in any of the European languages. ” ( The origin of the Aryas. ». 312. Second Edition )

Now, in respect of Soma, Ragozin observes that, “ From numerous indications scattered through the hymns (of the Rig-Veda), it appears probable that this ( that is, the Himalayan high-land of Kashmir ) was the earliest seat of the Soma-worship known to the A’ryan Hindus, whence it may have spread geographically with the race itself.” ( Vedie India p 1. 160-171. Ed. 1895). Moreover, from the description of Soma and its origin, given in the Maha-Bharata and the Rig-Veda, ( vide ante p. 41-42), it clearly appears that the Himalayan high-land is the only region favourable to its grouth, and that it grows or grew nowhere else, Naturally, therefore, it was not known in Europe, as Mr. Tilak writes to say that, “ the word {Soma ) is not found in the European languages.” ( The Arctie Home in the Vedas. ps 20a )

Thus, we have tried to prove, and the evidence being irrefragable, have endeavoured to establish, that Indra and Soma haying had their