Towards democracy

Contents ix

PAGE So thin a Veil divides... 206 xe an «. 376 The open Secret... Sx = as 376 The Songs of the Birds, who hears oma wes co Eye A Child at a Window see me ame ees 380 Night... tee 1 = oe 2013 --. 381 April 5x a8 os on ok =o 381 Lucifer wns ae = nbn ws 382 The Ocean of Sex oy zeal or Le Oe) 383 | As the Greeks Dreamed ... ae oe “cs -. 385 In a Scotch-Fir Wood woe one = ae 386 The Dream goes by co con = pes wos 387 Surely the Time will come... es me x 388 The one Foundation see An co Bee «=. 390 A Mightier than Mammon ... so =% oe 394 O little Sister Heart we mt aa m0 +. 407 Forms Eternal as the Mountains wee wee Bes 408 Spending the Night alone =a 5 bee «. 408 O Joy divine of Friends 0 = “60 x 409 O Child of Uranus om a. ae aoa +. 410 One at a Time — a oe eae <E 41I The dead Comrade onc oe xe cee veale Philolaus to Diocles... oa Sr Ee: = 413 Hafiz to the Cup-bearer ... or a ox eA LO. In the stone-floored Workshop oo one Son 417 The Trysting ... on6 ca ons «. 419 The Lover far on the Hills con rae son owes 422 The Babe me wea a" oe oe eens O Gracious Mother ... ont £on co ox 425 I saw a fair House ese 00 oo aot +. 426 A Dream of Human Life aoe ee 0) con 428 The Coast of Liguria oe Bae nae c0 +» 429 Easter Day on Mt. Monnier .., os sea 5 431 At Mentone... = 85 xe see ves 433 Monte Carlo c eae eon aes 435 India, the Wisdom- land (1890) xt per we + 440 Tanzbodeli cos ces aes “AD tee 442

A Village Church -# Fe an me we. 445