Towards democracy

A Towards Democracy .

Civilisation sinks and swims, but the old facts remain —the sun smiles, knowing well its strength.

The little red stars appear once more on the hazel boughs, shining among the catkins; over waste lands the pewit tumbles and cries as at the first day ; men with horses go out on the land—they shout and chide and strive—and return again glad at evening ; the old earth breathes deep and rhythmically, night and day, summer and winter, giving and concealing herself.

I arise out of the dewy night and shake my wings.

Tears and lamentations are no more. Life and death lie stretched below me. I breathe the sweet zther blowing of the breath of God.

Deep as the universe is my life—and I know it, nothing can dislodge the knowledge of it; nothing can destroy, nothing can harm me.

Joy, joy arises—I arise. The sun darts overpowering piercing rays of joy through me, the night radiates it from me.

I take wings through the night and pass through all the wildernesses of the worlds, and the old dark holds of tears and death—and return with laughter, laughter, laughter :

Sailing through the starlit spaces on outspread wings, we two—O laughter! laughter! laughter !


Freedom ! the deep breath! the word heard centuries and centuries beforehand; the soul singing low and passionate to itself: Joy! Joy!