Towards democracy

6 Towards Democracy ;

hardest and most despised lot is even with the best; and _ there is nothing more certain or more solid than this.


Freedom! the deep breath!

The old Earth breathes deep and rhythmically, night and day, summer and winter ; the cuckoo calls across the woodland, and the willow-wren warbles among the great chestnut | buds ; the laborer eases himself under a hedge, and the Frogs flops into the pond as the cows approach;

In the theatre Juliet from her balcony still bends in the moonlight, and Romeo leans up from the bushes below ; + in the pale dawn, still, faint with love he tears himself away ; | the great outlines of the fields and hills where you were born and grew up remain apparently unchanged.

If I am not level with the lowest I am nothing; and if I did not know for a certainty that the craziest sot in the village is my equal, and were not proud to have him walk with me_ as my friend, I would not write another word—for in this is my strength.

My thoughts are nothing, but I myself will reach my arms through time, constraining you. .

These are the days which nourished and fed me so kindly and well; this is the place where I was born, the walls and roofs which are familiar to me, the windows out / of which I have looked. This is the overshadowing love and care of parents; these are the faces and deeds, indelible, of brothers and sisters—closing round me like a wall —the early world in which I lay so long.