Towards democracy

Towards Democracy 19

The immortal worms make their obeisance to you, and the religious devil grins at you—they compliment you on your superiority.

The: Earth is for you,.and all that is therein—save 'what anyone else can grab; and universal love is for youand to sleek yourself smoother than others in the glass ; and to fly on from world to world, leaving sweet odors behind you, and to get cleverer and cleverer and better and better as 'you go, and to be generally superior!

How very nice! the devil and the worms thank you "for your kind invitation to accompany them; but regret ‘that they are engaged.


This is poison! do not touch it—the black brew of the cauldron out of which Democracy firks its horned and shameless head.

O disrespectable Democracy! I love you. No white angelic spirit are you now, but a black and horned Ethiopian—your great grinning lips and teeth and powerful brow and huge limbs please me well.

Where you go about the garden there are great foot marks and an uncanny smell; the borders are trampled and I see where you have lain and rolled in a great bed of lilies, bruising the sweetness from them.

I follow you far afield and into the untrodden woods, and there remote from man you disclose yourself to me, | goatfooted and sitting on a rock—as to the Athenian _ Tunner of old.