Towards democracy

20 Towards Democracy

You fill me with visions, and when the night comes I see the forests upon your flanks and your horns among the stars. I climb upon you and fulfil my desire.


The heights heighten and the depths deepen ; from beneath the eyelids of man look forth new heavens and anew earth. The glitter of sunlight upon the wayes is there.

Here underneath, the great lubricous roots grasp downward in darkness at the rocks; there the tal shaft shoots into air, and the leaves float poised in the sunshine —but the word conceals itself.

Of the goat-legged God peering over the tops of the | clouds; of the wild creature running in the woods of whom the rabbits are not afraid; of him who peeps his horns in at the windows of the churches, and the congregation cross themselves and the parson saws his loudest ; of the shameless lusty unpresentable pal; of the despised one hobbling on hoofs—I dream.

Of the despised and rejected, arising with healing in his wings, of the sane sweet companion in the morning, of the Lover who neither adorns nor disguises himself—I dream.

XV O Democracy, I shout for you!

Back! Make me a space round me, you kid-gloved | rotten-breathed paralytic world, with miserable antics mimick-

ing the appearance of life.