Towards democracy


PAGE PART I ToWARDs DEMOCRACY (1881-2) ... a = c= 3 PART II

O Freedom, beautiful beyond a =i Fen Ill York Minster ceo PETZ Sunday Morning after Church oe, a ssa 115 High in My Chamber ... eae oe = S28) Deep Below Deep .... cr a oo 122 Except the Lord ox = ves X24 I Come Forth from the Tarkness eos oe 130 Sunday Morning near a Manufacturing Town aoe so Ley) In the Drawing Rooms coe st 139 In a Manufacturing Town ae «. 144 What Have I to do with Thee nee aD 146 As to You, O Moon aoe ax os roe ws 149 Squinancy Wort ... xs eas = <s 152 Not of Myself ... Bea ons eos xD ase E54 Lo! I Open a Door as x ca S 154 By this Heart ... om ps sy soe 154 As one who from a high Cliff. = ° 156 To One in Trouble 2 oe * «-. 156 These Waves of Your Great Heart | a6 x I5€ Thus as I Yearned for Love see x wen 5S Eternal Hunger eee m0 cae co see 159 Child of the Lonely Heart ra ves os -.. 160 To One who is where the Eternal are ... ses aoe 162 Through the Long Night z es ws. 165 To a Stranger on a ore = 166 Toa Friend ... co «. 166 Of the Love that you ponred forth on zs 167 As a Woman ofa Man ... nc = ee - 167