
Д-р Паја Радосављевић 89

2. Whatis education? (Pedagogical Зепипагу, ХУШ, 911, 31-43).

3. Pedagogyas science ПЕТА ОНИ Зепипагу, XVIII, 1911, 551—558).

4. New Pedagogy („The Теасћег“, 1, 1911, МО 3).

5. The Oudoor School „ а 8 о они 6. The Free School „ OI VL LJ IRI 0) 7. Тће Мапићејп узет, ||, У 8. Ехзрептеп(е] Редаоову - > (=).

9. Social Pedagogy („Pedagogical Пе инине XIX, 192, 78-93).

10. Apperception in the light of experiments mađre on School ·children („Educational Foundations“, XXIV, 1912, 340-40, 210–220).

11. Changes of bodily form in descendanis ot immigrants („Science“, XXXV, 1912, 281—284).

12. What are the principles of modern refom in school subjekte („Educational Bi-Monthly“, VI, 1912, 413—424).

13. Теасћег5 тоуетеп5 абгоаа („Тће American teacher“,

, 1912: NP |):

14. The problem ol fabit formation („American Schoolmaster“. VI, 1913, 155—163).

15. Pedagogical Laboratories („Scintific American“, August 30, 161—162). .

16. Eificiency in learning („Scientific American, РЕН 6, 1913, 179—180).

17. Teaching from Child' s Point of View („Scientific American“, August 23, 1913, 141—142 152—153).

18. Psyhology of Slavic People („Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Philadelphie, 1914, 79—80)

19. Experimental Pedagogy and School Hygiene („Educational Bi-Monthly“, VII, 1914, 353—355).

20. Physica Meesurements of Pupils („Fowrth lnternational Congressoon School Hygiene“, У, 1914, 541—550). j

21. Experimental Pedagogy and School Hygiene OPE 1. 1814, 146—156).

22. Two papers on Pedacogladi Anthropology, 1914, 21.

23. Psychology of the Slavic People („Free Poland“, II 1915, N? L 2 3.4 5 6 & 1):

24. Th» psychology of the Slav („The Russian Review“ Ш, 1917, | =