
količina energije dobljena je u potpunosti pri pretvaranju materije nekadašnjeg metalnog jezgra Meseca.

Pomenuta energija od 1,34. IO 36 erga je 9824, približno 10.000, puta veča od količine energije ko j a je utrošena za stvaranje svih krater a i kružnih planina. Možemo izračunati još i to, da je za stvaranje svih planinskih lanaca na Mesecu uključujuči i ogromni planinski lanac Sovjetski na drugoj strani bilo potrebno energije najviše reda Ï0 30 . Konačni rezultat svih ovih računa je da izvor energije koji je prouzrokovao širenje Meseca pretvaranje atoma metalnog jezgra daje osetno veču energij u nego što je bilo potrebno za formiranje tektonike površine Meseca. Prema torne, pretpostavkom o širenju Meseca možemo bogato zadovoljiti energetske potrebe. Teorija o širenju daje energetsku osno vu za formiranje kratera i kružnih planina. (Prevod T. Đ.)

redovni član International Lunar Society-a


Hédervâry Péter

The ring-mountains in the basins’ region of the Moon’s surface, as e. g. the Aristoteles or the Aristillus,. often have wide sockles, like the terrestrial volcanic islands (e. g. Hawaii). However the lunar craters undoubtedly differ morphologically from the terrestrial volcanoes. The volcanism of the Moon is a peculiar, special lunar volcanism; the real volcanoes on the Moon may probably be the central peaks of the ring-mountains and perhaps the domes, too. This is justified by the observation of Drs. Kosirev and Wilkins relating to the Alphonsus. It is certain that the energy having role in the production of the lunar craters originates from the interior of the Moon Only the small craterlets might have its origin by the impact of meteors. In the present dissertation we used the method of the Japanese volcanologist, Dr. I. Yokoyama. According to Yokoyama the most important energy in the case of volcanic eruptions and the arising of terrestrial volcanic islands is the thermal one. His formulae relating to the thermal energy in the case of volcanic Islands is as follows: E = V στΤ; where E is the released thermal energy, V the volume of the respective islands, a the density of the island’s rock, J the equivalent work of heat and τ is a constant, the value of which is 300 calories. This mathematical expression can be adapted for the case of the lunar craters, too, when V means the volume of the craters’ wall. In our calculation we negligated the volume of the central peaks and the density was 2,7 gm/cubic cm. In the estimation of the cfaterwalls’ volume we used the data of Dr. R. B. Baldwin. Table I: diameter of the ring-mountains the degree of the average slope of the inner walls. We used 3° for the slope of the outer walls. The energy necessary to produce lunar craters in accordance with the theory of meteor-impacts was estimated by Baldwin. Table II: Diameter- energy. Our results for the mass of the walls may be found in Table III: diameter- height of the walls- mass, in gramms. Using the formulae of Yokoyama, mentioned above, the necessary energy for the formation of the ring-mountains is in Table IV : diameter- mass-thermal energy in ergs. Yokoyama calculated the thermal energy in the case of some terrestrial volcanic islands. Table V: mass- thermal energy- denomination of the island. Using this expression we calculated the energy in the case of the formation of Etna and Mauna Loa. Table VI : mass- thermal energy- denomination. It is very interesting that the energy in the case of the largest ring-mountains (e. g. Clavius) is in the same order of

magnitudo as the largest volcanic islands on the Earth (e. g. Hawaii). What was the source of energy in the Moon? Our calculations show that the source was the expansion of the Moon. We discussed this problem in more ocassions in our earlier papers. The base of this hypothesis is Prof. L. Egyed’ s valuable theory about the Earth’s expansion. According to Drs. Ramsey and Egyed the core of the Earth is in a metallic state. In accordance with the cosmology of Professors Dirac and Gilbert, the gravity is decreasing as the function of time. The metallic phase is the function of gravity. Hence when the gravity decreased, simultaneously decreased the pressure in the Earth, too. The consequence of the Earth’s core from the metallic state into the normal one. A further consequence is the increase of the volume of the transformed material and the expansion of the Earth. We proved in our calculation in the earlier papers that the Moon had also a metallic core, many millions of years ago, when the gravity was much bigger than at present. By the transformation of the metallic core, the Moon had to expand during the first part of its history. The energy necessary to lift the-Moon’s mantle was about 6,7.1ο 28 ergs a year. We calculated the energy necessary to produce all the craters and ringmountains, too. Table VII: diametër- number of craters and ring-mountains respectively (after Baldwin) maximal thermal energy. Altogether: 6,82.10 31 ergs. Supposing that the number of ring-mountains and craters on the other side of the Moon is about the same that on the visible side, the thermal energy was about 1,364. l ergs. Let us suppose that the formation of all craters and ring-mountains lasted about 20 million of years. During this 20 million of years the energy necessary to lift the mantle that is to enlarge the Moon was about 1,34.10 36 ergs. This energy is 9824 10 000 - times greater than the energy necessary to produce ring-mountains and craters. We calculated the energy which might have produced the mountain-rings on the Moon, too. This energy was maximally 10 30 ergs. According to our results the transformation of the metallic core of the Moon supplied essentially more energy than that which was necessary to produce tectonic process on the Moon. The original calculations of the author had been published in the Magyar Fizikai Folyôirat (Hungarian Physical Review of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Volume IX., No. 4., Pp. 251 —264, 1961.

Tablica VII


ВАСИОНА IX, 1961 број 4

Prečnik, km Broj objekata Maksimalna, toplotna energetska potreba 1,6 — 14,4 53 0,5. 10 30 16 — 30,4 49 1,9. 10 30 32 — 46,4 71 6,5. 10 30 48 — 62,4 52 8,6. 10 30 64 — 78,4 30 3,0. 10 30 80 — 94,4 29 11,6. 10 30 96 — 110,4 13 6,8. 10 30 112 — 126,4 10 6,4. 10 30 128 — 142,4 9 7,0. 10 30 144 — 158,4 5 4,8. 10 3 ° 160 —174,4 1 1,1. 10 3 » 176 —190,4 2 2,4. 10 3 » 192 — 206,4 0 0 208 — 222,4 4 6,0. 10 3 » 224 1 Ukupno 1,6. 10 3 ° 68,2. 10 30 erga