A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained



Pages Enquiry into the Subject Matter, and Scope of J. BEHMEN’s Writngs. Preface - - - © - = = iiitoxviii Words ufed by Jacob Behmen explained - - - - - = = I9 tO 24 Introduétion - - = - © = 25 to 28 Of the rwo Principles, Darknefs and Light - - - - + - 28 to 34

Defcription of the feven Fountain Spirits.- - - - = = - 34 to 38

Demonttration of the Firft Fountain Spirit - - 38 to 40 Second Fountain Spirit - - 40 to 41 Third Fountain Spirit - - 42 to 43 Fourth Fountain Spirit - ~ 43 to 46 Fifth Fountain Spirit - - 47 to 54 Sixth Fountain Spirit - - 55 to 56 Seventh Fountain Spirit - 56 to 63

Of the three Principles of the di-

vine Effence - - - - - 63 to 64 Demonftration of thefirftPrinciple65 to 69 Of the fecond Principle - - 69 to 79 Of the third Principle - - 80 to 85

The Sacrifices of the Jews fhew the three Principles - - - 85 to 88 Of Jehovah and the Creation - 88 to 97 Man’s Eftate before his Fall 97 to 105 A-Virgin Propagation - - 105 to 111 Of