A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

CON PEN TeSr xxxit

Of fome Steps by which Adam Pages declined towards his heavy Fall - - = = = - 411 to 118 Fallen Man’s Eftate - - 118 to 122 Man’s Recovery by the Help of the Lord Jefus Chrift 122 to 129 The Incarnation of Jefus Chrift - - - - - 130 to 139 The heavenly new man - 138 to 146 Man’s miftaken Way to a fuppofed Happinefs - 147 to 149 The Lord’s Wayfor Man tofellow tohis Return Home 150 to 159

ERRATA’s in the Seconp Part, befides thofe noticed in Page 160,

Page 27. 1. 12. read fince they both proceeded, 1. 14. read and are but ome thing. P. 28. chap. I. read of the swe principles, P.77.1. 7. read lapfed. P.o6.1.5. read principles, P. 139. 1, 2. read what of Chri/?. P. 145. read subo the heir of all things is not, and who be is. P, 156. 1. 27. read cbrain.

Part THE TuHtirRp. Pages Extracts from the Works of Jacoz BeuMen.

Author’s Preface - - « = = ijito vii Of God and the divine Nature - 9 to 13 God’s firft Manifeftation of

himfelf in the Trinity - = 14 to 17 he