A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

xxxiv CON TENTS.

The numberlefs manifold Engendering of pure eternal Na-

ture- - - - - - - - 18 to 48 The Creation of Angels and of Lucifer - - - - - 49 to 54

The third Principle, or Creation of the material World 55 to 62 The Separation in the Creation of this World, or third Principle- - - - - = 63 to 80 The Myftery of the Creation’ 81 to 87 The Difference of the heavenly and theearthly Man - - 87 to 97 Of Paradife - - - - - - 97 to 103 The Paradifical Dominion, life, and Condition of Adam before his Fall - - 104 to 110

Of The Birtu of the WoMAN : and Adam’s being ordained to the Outward Life: and his Reftoration by Jefus Chrift - - - - + = 111 to 113

ERRATA ’s in the Tetrp Parr.

Page 22. 1. 3. read from fleep. P. 27.1. 13. read a new. P. 69. 1. 9. read maffer. After P. 80. chap, VII, begins 81 not 55. P. 92. 1. 27. read holy qworld. P. 102. 17. dele iz, P, tos. 1. 13. dele the lait word and.