A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

The Seven Spirits of Gop, or Powers of Nature,

As they [fince the Fall of Lucifer] thew and manife(t themfelves, in Love and Anger, both in the heavenly and hellifh Kingdom, and alfo in the Kingdom of this World and earthly Kingdom. Taken from Jacos Benmen’s Mysterium Macnum, Page 22.

Aftringent Defire. f Hardnefs, Cold, } _. £ Cold, Hardnefs, Bone, Salt, 5 | 2 Attraction or Com-]| | Covetoutnels, ae | Poifon, Life, Growth, o punétion of Senfe. b= d Compunéttion, 1S Senfes, < | 3 Anguifh or Mind, | | Envy, ™ (Sulphur, Perceivance, ‘4 Fire or Spirit. | Enmity, r Pain,

Vor wa SS

Metal, Herb.

[5 Light or Love De-) .. \ Pride, Anger, § is Spirit, Reafon, Defire, 3 fire. | = Love Fire, 9 | Venus Sport, Life’s Light, eid 6 Sound or Underftand- 5 Meeknefs, A J Speaking, Crying, diftinH | ing. 8 | Divine Joy, = suifhing,

17 Body or Effence, j “4 | Heaven. a E ody, Wood, Stone, Earth,