
20. SEPTEMBAR, 17:00 Narodno pozorište - scena „Raša Plaović“ Compama Nacional de Teatro Clasico i Ron Lala, Madrid, Španija - U JEDNOM MESTU U KIHOTU Slobodna verzija Don Kihota od Manče Migela de Servantesa Kamema verzija predstave: susret s publikom u form! probe Trajanje: 90’ (nakon predstave sledi razgovor sa publikom) Režija: Jajo Kaseres Igraju: Huan Kanjas, Injigo Ećevarija, Danijel Rovaler, Alvaro Tato, Migel Magdalena Adaptacija književnog teksta: Alvaro Tato Režija muzike: Migel Magdalena Autor muzike i aranžmana: Ron Lala Ujednom mestu u Kihotu - kamerna verzija, nudi gledaocima priliku da se upoznaju sa kreativnim procesom rada na ovoj predstavi u koprodukeiji Nacionalne pozorišne kompanije za klasično pozorište I trupe Ron Lala. Reč je o susretu s publikom u formi probe, bez tehničkih, scenografskih i kostimografskih elemenata predstave, koja je namenjena ograničenom broju posetilaca. Glumci i reditelj Jaja Kaseresa izvešće nekoliko scena, odlomaka I pesama iz predstave i razgovaraće 0 brojnim temama: postavljanju komada na scenu, muzike koja ide uživo, o problemima scenske adaptaeije klasičnih dramskih tekstova. Publika će imati moguenost da postavi pitanja glumcima I reditelju. Ovo je prilika za neobavezan i zabavan susret sa dešavanjima iza scene, sa istraživaćkim I stvaralačkim procesom pozorišne trupe koja je pobrala ogroman uspeh na međunarodnom planu. Podrlka: Španska ageneija za medunarodnu saradnju 1 razvoj (AECID), Ambasada Španije u Beogradu. Nacionaini institut za scensku umetnost I muziku Španije (INAEM), Institut Servantes u Beogradu.

SEPTEMBER 20™, 17:00 National Teatre - Scene "Raša Plaović” Compania Nacional de Teatro Clasico and Ron Lala, Madrid, Spain - IN A PLACE IN QUIJOTE Free version of Don Quijote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Chamber Version of the Production: Meeting the Spectators as a Rehearsal Duration: 90’ (After the performance discussion with the audience) Director: Yayo Caseres Cast: Juan Cahas, Inigo Echevaria, Daniel Rovalher, Alvaro Tato, Miguel Magdalena Adaptation of the literary text: Alvaro Tato Music direction: Miguel Magdalena Music and arrangements; Ron Lala In a place in Quijote - chamber version - offers the spectators the opportunity to learn about the creative process of work on the performance in coproduction of the National Theatre Company for Classical Theatre and Ron Lala's company. The meeting with the audience takes the form of a rehearsal, without technical elements, sets and costumes, and is intended for a limited number of spectators. The actors and the director Yayo Caseres will perform a few scenes. fragments and songs from the production and discuss numerous topics: staging of a play, live music, requirements of the stage adaptation of classical dramas. The spectators will have the opportunity to ask questions. This is a chance for a casual and amusing meeting with what goes behind the stage, with the research and creative process of a company which has scored impressive international success. Support: AECID, Spanish Agency for International Co-operation and Development, Embassy of Spain in Belgrade INAEM, National Institute for Stage Art and Music of Spain, Institute Cervantes in Belgrade.