Egyptian sculpture, page 341
Palettes, slate, motif of, 41, 112, 175 Palm-tree, 36, 38 Pan, 90 Panels, v. Wood Papyrus of Heruben, 173, 192 Paris, Bibliothéque Nationale, 192 Paten-em-heb 127, 147 Peasants, 47, 95 Pegs, wooden, 4 Pepy I, statue of, 6, 45, 66, 183 Persians, 153, 173 Perspective, 10, 128 Pete-Har-Si-Ese, 165, 192 Petosiris, 153, 173, 192 Petrie collection, 42, 138 Philae, 180, 192 Philip Arrhidaeus, 178 Pigments, black, 19 os , blue, 19 , brown, 20 - , green, 20 5 , grey, 20 m5 , orange, 20. , Ted, 20 . , white, 20 - , yellow, 20 Pin, 87 Plants, 74, 121, 148 Plaster, 75 > casts, 16, 141 5 head at University College, London, 177, 192 rs) , mud-, 19, 148 Fr surfaces, 19 » , use of, in statuary, 67 Polish, 153, 162, 164, 168
Polisher, 3 Portrait-coffins, 152 » heads for mummy-cases, 177
Portraiture in sculpture, xxiv, 209, 30, 55, 60, 77, 79, 91, 133, 135, 138, 164
Pose, 33, 46
Pre-Dynastic art, 29
Priest, 162, 164, 192 ,, of Memphis, xxiii
Priest-kings, 154
Prisoners, v. Captives
Profile, 3, 7, 8, 72, 91, 94, 96, 129, 132, 170, 174, 180
Profile in representation of statues, 3, 93 Proportion, rules of, v. Canon Proto-dynastic Period, art of, 29, 187 My, , date, xxi - , Teliefs, 33
” , sculpture, 30 Psammetichus, 153 Ptah, v. God Ptah-hotep, 68, 71, 76, 128 Ptah-shepses, 75, 188 Ptolemaic Period, 176
- , date, xxi
, reliefs, 178
_ , Statues, 177 Ptolemy Auletes, 177, 184, 192 Ptolemy II, xxi Ptolemy X, 182 Puyemre, 132 Pyramid-temple of Mentuhetep III,
oe , Zoser, 32, 44
Qau, 126 Quartz, 52, 85 Quartzite, 18 Queen, as Isis, r80, 184 » , aS Sphinx, 79 » , ebony head of a, 140, 190 » , Sitting on king’s knee, 150 Queens, 105 ,, , Lombs of the, 14, 131
Ra, v. God
Race-types in sculpture, 57, 146, 147, 169
Ra-hesy, 13, 43, 44, 187
Ra-hotep, 19, 51, 69, 80, 85, 187
Rainbow, 76
Raised relief, v. Relief sculpture
Rameses II, 13, 59, 71, 108, 109,
IIO, 116, 117, 118,
II9, 120, 121, 161, 189, 190 yD , colossus of, 116
Rameses III, 121 Rameses IV, 122, 190 Ramesseum, 117 Ram-headed god, v. God Ra-nefer, 62, 188
Red, v. Pigments