Egyptian sculpture, page 342
. Reeds, 121, 174 Registers, 9, 10, 41, 130 Relief sculpture, 7 , Amara, 144, 145 , bas-relief, 11,12, 13 , hollow relief, 11, I2, 13, 88, 91, 92, 116, 170 , Intermediate Period I, 85 , Late Period, 168 , Middle Kingdom, 85 , New Kingdom, 111 , Old Kingdom, 68 , Proto-dynastic, 33 , Ptolemaic, 92, 116, 178 , raised relief, 11 , Relief en creux, v. Hollow relief , Sunk relief, v. Hollow relief , Wood-, v. panels Religion, influence on sculpture, 8, 9, 10, 45 Reptiles, 170 Revival of art, v. Art Ribbon, v. Dress Rivets, 7 Rosettes, v. Ornaments Roundness, depiction of, 149 Royal tombs, v. Tombs of Kings, of Queens Running Senusert, 80, 89, 94, 99, II5, 116, 183, 184, 189
Sacrifices, animal, 71
y , human, 41 Saite tradition, 166 Sand for polishing, 5 Sandals, v. Dress Sandstone, 18, 138, 139, 190 Saqqara, 16, 32, 61, 68, 69, 75, 79,
95, 96, 188, 191, 192
Sash, v. Dress Scale, drawing to, 20 Scales of reptiles, 38, 170 Scarabs, 42 Sceptre, 122
School of Memphis, 16, 77 Scimitar, 169 Scorpion; 170 » king, 43 Scraping, 3, 89 Scribe seated, 63 Sculpture, Amarna, 133 , architecture in relation to, xvii, Xviii, xix, XXIV, 32 , landscape, in relation to, xvii , Late Period, 152 , Materials used in, 18 influence of, 17 specialization in, 17 , Middle Kingdom, 79 , New Kingdom, 98 + , Old Kingdom, 51 » , Proto-dynastic, 30 Sed-heb festival, 33 » garment, v. Dress Sedment, 188 Semites, 146, 147 Senbi, 94, 189 Sen-irui, 5, 6 Senmut, 154 Sen-nefer, 126 Senusert I, 80, 81, 84, 85, 88, 94, 104, 106, 115, 116, 183, 184, 188, and v. Running Senusert Senusert III, 65, 66, 81, 82, 83, 103, 188 Sequence in chronology, 33 Serapeum, 191 Serpent, 110, 172 Serpentine, 18 Serpo-pard, v. Animals Sethy I, rr0, 112, I14, 116, 137, 183, 189 , Temple of, 114 » », Lomb of, 14, 121, 130 Setting of statues, xvili, Of Shading, 76 Sheep, v. Animals » » horns of, 36 Sheikh el Beled, 4, 63, 176, 188 =F , wife of, 4, 51, 64,188 Shishak I, relief of, 168, 192 Shoes, v. Dress Shoulder-strap, v. Dress