Jugoslovenski Rotar

Kralji, Sv. Volbenk. Docnije, osobito u zapadnom delu, zauzimaju najvidniji položaj, kao primerice Sy. Anton i Sy. Primoz, Ribnica. Ti gradovi, crkve ı Siroko газкогасепе stare seljacke ku¢e daju tome Sumskome svetu poseban čar romantike, koja je to više Živa, budući da se uz tu starinu tu i tamo zasveti, upravo izazivno, sveža modernost. Uporabu vode za veleelektrarnu u Fali spomenuli smo već. Pohorski kamen lomi, obradjuje i izvaza svima tehničnim sretstvima ogromni kamenolom Josipdol kod Ribnice. Dobava i industrija drya razvita je posyuda pa nije ni potreba da navadjamo pojedina mesta. — Sve lepo i zdravo što u Pohorju može da daje visina, sunce, uzduh, šuma, voda, livada, pripravljeno je na južnom pobočju za našu zdravu ı jaku budućnost, za decu, u letovištu Počitniški dom Kraljice Marije. Dolična elegantnost uz svu nepatvorenu domaćnost odlikuje to zabavište ı krepilište za otprilike 200 dece, ne bolesne, nego potrebne brige ı nege i veselja u idealnoj prirodi. Teško je naći na svetu premca tome zavodu; neće biti teško nikome da si ga ogleda, jer vodi do njega iz Slovenske Bistrice glatka automobilska cesta. — Kao nigde zdrav ı ugodan položaj jugoistočnega Pohorja nameravao se je upotrebiti za ceo kompleks sanatorija. Na sreću nije se ta namera izvela, pa je ovaj planinski, šumski ı zračni eldorado sačuvan za zdrave ljude, koji hoće da si zdravlje s užitkom ı veseljem sačuvaju, osiguraju, utvrde, leti šetnjama ı neopasnim turama, zimi smuéanjem, a vazda dobrom podvorbom u mnogobrojnim planinskim gostinjcima, koji su racijonalno porazdeljeni po svem Pohorju, a ujedno lako pristupačni od sviju strana ı od sviju železničkih stanica na podnožju, otkuda vode savesno markirani putovi do sviju pOstojanki i od jedne do druge, kažiputima, koji nadomeštaju svakoga provodića. Najšire је prometu otvoren istočni, k Mariboru nagnuti deo Pohorja. Tuda se možeš iz Maribora preko Hoča i Reke po novoj automobilskoj cesti voziti autom tako daleko uzbrdo, da imaš do planinskoga hotela Pohorski Dom (rojo m) jedva kaki pola sata hoda po udobnom kolovozu. Pohorski Dom radi savršeno


various potentates subjected this territory tc their power and built powerful castles as centers of their rule at the foot or higher up in the mountains, some of which are in ruins, but most of them stand to-day still, e. g. along the river Drava down from Dravograd: at Vuzenica, Fala, Limbu’, Кадуапуе, Ведпауа. Others are about the east towards the southwest: at Hoce (Hausampacher), Sliynica, Fram, Rate, Polskava, Slov. Bistrica. Several churches were also built on the higher places of Pohorye, but not visible from all sides, as is typical for other portions of Slovenia, but hidden in the woods, so that you only see them when you step in front of them. Such were St. Areh, Three Kings, St. Wolfgang. Later and especially in the western portion they occupy a very prominent position e.g. St. Anthony and St. Primus, Ribnica.

These castles and churches and the old broad peasants’ houses give to this forest world a particular air of romanticism which is all the more impressive, as besides it you may often notice quite a modern touch. We already mentioned the use of water power at Fala. The stone of Pohorye is broken, worked with all modern technical appliances, and exported in all directions by the quarries Josipdol near Ribnica. The wood industry is developed everywhere, so that there is no need to mention any places in particular. — All that is good, fine and healthy in the Pohorye range, and all advantages that may be derived from the proper use of high situation, sun, air, forests, water and green meadows, all this is offered to our strong and healthy future, to the children at the Holiday Home of Queen Mary, able to take up about 200 children. Discrete elegance and quiet homelines are distinctive features of the Recreation Home for children who may not be sick, but just wanting care, attention and pleasant stay in ideal natural sorroundings. It is hard to find anything similar anywhere else in the world. Visitors passing through this region should visit it, a good automobile road leading from Slovenska Bistrica to this Home. — The unique, healthy and favourable situation of this southeastern side of Pohorye already offered considerable inducement to building a whole complex of

