Jugoslovenski Rotar

hotelski, ima električnu rasvetu, toplu i hladnu vodu iz vlastitoga vodovoda, 23 sobe sa 6o kreveta. Otud je samo nekoliko minuta više planinska postojanka Mariborske podruznice Slovenskoga Planinskoga Drustva »Mariborska koca“ sa planinskom gostionicom, kavanom i 5 dependansom za sobe; čitava naseobina raspolaže sa 26 soba i sa 64 kreveta, ima električnu rasvetu i vlastiti vodovod. Pešice stigneš iz Maribora k Pohorskomu Domu ili do Mariborske kuće za otprilike tri sata 1 to raznim putovima, koji vode preko severnoga pobočja ili po sle-

Klopni Vrh na Pohorju (1269 m)

menu; putem možeš da posetiš sasma napuštenu crkyu sy. Bolfenka (1037m), uz koju j€ priprosta gostionica; nad njim je visok Železni stup, sa kojega se uživa krasan razgled. — Za jedan sat dolazi se po slemenu udobno od Mariborske kuće do crkve sv. Arha Ruška koča (1249m), koje je uz crkvu | opstoji iz tri kuće, izmedju kojih je jedna sa sobama za stalne goste; ukupno je u toj naseobini 36 soba sa 64 postelje. U Rušku kuću dolazi se za tri sata takodjer i iz Ruša ili iz Bistrice po lepom turistovskom putu. — Od Ruške kuće

i do planinskoga letovišta

sanatoriums. But fortunately this plan was not carried out and this Alpine forest eldorado remained reserved for the healthy people who may want to get some fresh air and diversion, to improve their health with pleasant and not dangerous excursions in the summer, and with ski-ing tours in the winter, everything necessary for their comfort being provided in the numerous and wellkept Alpine hostelries, spread out over the whole mountain range. The access is easy from all the railway stations at the border of the mountains, and marked paths are leading towards all points from which good views may be enjoyed, so that no guides are required anywhere.

The most widely open to the tourist traffic is the eastern portion of Pohorye, looking towards Maribor. Through Hoée and Reka you may get on the recently buil automobile road so far up hill that you can reach the Alpine Hotel Pohorski Dom (1030 m above sea level) in half an hour on a good road track. This hostelry is run in an up-to-date fashion, is provided with electric light, hot and cold water (from own water supply) and has 23 rooms with 60 beds. Only a few minutes higher is the Alpine Station of the Maribor branch of the Slovenic Alpine Society, , The Maribor Hut“, a kind of Alpine inn and coffee house, with an annexed cottage, containing rooms, the whole settlement comprising 26 rooms and 64 beds, being provided with electric light and a water supply of its own. These two hostelries may be reached from Maribor in a three hours’ walk on various ways, leading over the northern slope or along the crest. On the way you may visit the now abandoned church of St. Wolfgang, with a rustic inn and a high iron view tower. — Continuing the way from ,The Maribor Hut“ you may in an hour comfortably reach the church of St. Areh and the excursion point „The Hut of Ruše“ (1249 m), situated besides it and actually consisting of three huts, one being reserved for permanent guests, the whole settlement containing altogether 36 rooms with 64 beds. This point may be reached from RuSe or Bistrica on a good tourist road in three hours. — From here the road leads along the hill