Jugoslovenski Rotar

vodi dalje po slemenu put k manjoj kući na Klopnom vrhu, koja je osobito važna za zimski šport, Jer se od nje na sve strane protežu prostrane travom obraštene ploštine koje su idealna smučališta, osobito do lepe kuće na Pesku (1382 m). Nekoliko duzi je put od Klopnoga vrha napred, neprekidno po slemenu, do bliznje postojanke, koja je najvisa na Pohorju a zove se Senjorjev dom (1522 m) nad Ribnicom, impozantna zgrada sa moderno vodjenom gostionicom; ovde је 15 soba sa 24 kreveta ı dva skupna ležaja za 4o lica, što Je vrlo podesno za zimsku sezonu. Za dva sata dodjemo napred po slemenu do zadnje pohorske kuće na kraju gorja, do Kremžareve kuće. — Izvan slemena leži proti jugu u blizini „Počitniškoga Doma Kraljice Marije“ kuća kod Sv. Tri Kralja. — Sve nabrojene planinske postojanke opskrbljene su celu godinu; planincu-putniku nije treba da ovuda nosi sa sobom hrane i pića. Upravo tako je u selima niže svaki gost brzo ı dobro podvoren, jer su domaći ljudi naviknuli na posetu tudjinaca. Samo kada lovac hoda ovuda ı čeka na divljač po samotnim mestima izvan puta, treba Je da uzme sa sobom brašna; lov je ovuda, baš lov, takodjer posebna privlačivost Pohorja: srne, tetrijebi, ruzoyci, lještarke, fazani, jarebice, lisice glavna su divljač, a da zečeva ni ne spominjemo; u skrovitim mestima ima dapače i gamsa, ali su pod zaštitom.

Konačno izjavljam, da se Pohorje ne može opisati duševnim zadovoljstvom, njega treba uživati.

(Potanje obavesti daje u svakom pogledu permanentna služba Tujsko prometne zveze — Tourist Office Putnik u Mariboru ili njene podružnice u Celju, Ptuju, Rogaškoj Slatini, St. Ilju 1 Gornjoj Radgoni.)

crest to a smaller hut at the Klopni vrh which is very important especially for winter sports, as there are on the meadows in the surroundings everywhere to be found fine ski-ing grounds, extending towards the neat hut at the Pesek (1382 m). A little longer is the way to the next point, the highest on the Pohorye range, the Senior Home“ (1522 m) above Ribnica, a fine structure, with a hostelry run on quite modern lines; there are here 15 rooms with 24 beds and two large dormitories for 40 persons, especially suitable for the winter season. — In another two hours we get to the Kremzar’s Hut, the last one on the Pohorye, situated at the end of the range. — Outside the main crest, towards the south there is in the neighbourghood of the Queen Mary’s Holiday Home the Hut of the Three Kings. — All said Alpine hostelries are open all the year round, so that the tourist need not carry with him either food or drink. The same way the visitor gets every attention required in any of the villages and townships further down, as the people are accustomed to tourist traffic. Only if you are bound on a shooting expedition, you have to take some provisions with you, having to walk about and lie in wait for game in lonely spots, outside the usual roads of traffic. We may say that in the way of shooting the Pohorye range has many attractions, deer, fox, pheasants, mountain cocks, shield cocks, hazel hens, partridges being plentiful in these parts, not to speak of the hares; in secret recesses even the chamois may be found, but they are protected.

We may finish with the statement that the Pohorye range may be enjoyed even with greater satisfaction than-described.

(Detailed information in every regard may be had from the Tourist Office Putnik at Maribor or its branches at Celje, Ptuj, Roгака Slatina, St. Ilj and Gornja Radgona.)