JUS standardizacija

tov kraimovich stmdapmtizacia beogPad yugo slavi e

primite samye glubokie soboLeznovaniia v sviazi s komchimoi prezidemta sociaLlisticheskoi federativmoi Pespubliki yugoslLavii1 predsedateLlia soiuza kommuni stov boLshogo druga sovetskogo mouza to iosipa bros tito predsedateL gosstmgdapmta v v boicov

simcepest comdoLemces from the iso famiLy amd myself pepsomaLLy aumimg this period of matiomaL mourmimg,

we sympathize whoLehearthedLy with the berivememt of this creat Leader of your coumtPpy.

iso ch“

oLLe stupem

tove er rajnovich

uvazhaiemyi tovarisc krajmovich,

primite moio gLubokoie soboLeznovanile i soboLeznovanije vsegco koLLektiva umm v sviazi s komchimoi prezidenta sfriu i pPedsedateLja sojiuza kommumistov jiugoslavii iosipa broz tito,

hd U IU

attn:ı mr, miLam krajnovic, dimector

pse accept our most simceme condolemces for the great Loss that your coumtPny emcoumteps,

presidemt tito was ome of the greatest pepmsomaLities of our cem;tulr'y and mostLy adminmed im gpmeece. wishinmg evepny Luck fom your coumtmy

pse accept my best,

peogards alexader mopaitakis, managima director heLLenic opganizationm form sftandardizaftiom (6:00)

m. b. cemovac secpetaime genmepPaLl

veuiLLez mous perpmettre de voOuUS exprimer ici Les simcemes conmdoLeamces de tous Les membres du bupeau cemtraL a La suite de La dis= paritiom du regrette mapechaL tito,“

croyez a U?assurmamce de motre profonde sympathle.,


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