Proposal towards a world system of foreign policies, severly impartal proposals and integrally inclusive, page 5
While basically Scythian, or Eurasian, the Soviet humanity is also essentially Slavonic or Indo-Germanic, Aryan, racially. Also, while the ineffably rich and poor India is a racial alchemy of many Eastern nations, the essence of the Indian philosophy, or world-view, the Vedanta and Buddhism, including Jainism, the essence of the spiritual India is remarkably Aryan, and very accessible to European scientific or classical philosophy. k
Both Russia and India should be considered as woven into the’ Western web of thought. Here the soul of China remains alone of | the vast cultures and powers of the East. Not in any sense that | anyone should query the ability of China to modernise or Wes- | ternise itself in either the Communist or the non-Communist | sense; but the truth remains that our own planetary and human | Japan cannot be just simply allowed to remain in the American kind and imperious tutelage. ed
Just as we should understand Germany, and help her to adjust herself to the new human organisation of the future, of our eirenic dreams, so we ought to, and must, consider and re-consider the human mission or services of the great and high element of Nippon—of Nippon, Japan—however necessary it was to defeat that Japan. We absolutely must work out and verify a worldintegrative policy, and to this anthropo-polity, or eirenic worldpolity, belongs the knowledge that the East is indivisible also, and not only the West, and that a new and re-vivified East—Japan, China, India, with the rest belonging to their bloc—will be a glory, sanctification and regenerative force to our whole humanity. _
Now a remark here. Let me mark this remark. Not in the least © do I propose a Euro-American Alliance with the Soviet Socialist Union because we of the West, or at least we Europeans should fear the great Yellow Peril, or provoke it into existence through fear. I only plead for human and spiritual consideration of the culture and genius of the great ancestral and world-bearing and much maltreated and neglected East, demanding liberty for them to organise themselves into the Pacific balance to our Atlantic Initiative, forming thus, both of us, the one whole of the two hemispheres of the one Anthropos.
From this I hope it will be clear that by Atlantic Alliance I mean the Triune, or Fourfold Alliance of Russia, of America, of the