Proposal towards a world system of foreign policies, severly impartal proposals and integrally inclusive, page 6
British world and of the European continent. If the Soviets are not taken into our Western Alliance, modern in civilisation as they are going to be, and Christian in culture-genesis as they have been, both the Slavonic race and the European continent as a whole will be torn in pieces and thwarted and disfigured for ever in their development. » We need, then, two world-initiatives, constituting the one | single, universal peace initiative and initiative for human survival | and fulfilment; we need a triune Eastern Alliance of the Pacific, | and a triune Western Alliance of the Atlantic, and there shall be peace, and humanity, and culture, and revival and mutual fulfilment and perfection between the two Alliances,
Under Atlantic Alliance, then, I mean the World Alliance, World Peace Alliance, the first and saving Peace Alliance of America, Russia, and Europe, on the basis of British intermediation and initiative.
My very earnest and admonishing proposal is that Great Britain and her Commonwealth of the British Nations should propose themselves as the basis of this necessary Alliance of the West—as its neutral, creative, beneficent, mediatrix and protection. For America and the Soviet Union need, not only momentarily, but perpetually, the British intermediation; for Britain is the only properly surviving Europe left to us—surviving in power and elementalness of a world-factor from Europe. Here again, inside of Europe itself, Great Britain is the only intermediating effective factor left to us in our tragic Europe; but European unity and revival is only possible inside of the whole Western Alliance, of the whole Atlantic Alliance of Russia, America, and the British world,
Of immediate and astonishing effect would be a British proposal, supporting, inducing and championing the Catholic European West, or the Latin Federation. With South America, or ‘Christophia’ in the parlance of the world-integrative proposal of the third or Senate element—with South America, or Christophia as its power-ground, or protecting body, Latin Europe, with Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, would induce the necessary uplifting renaissance of the Catholic Latin world element universally, and the most fundamental of human foundations, namely the Catholic