Radno i socijalno pravo
Борисав Чолић, Забрана дискриминације и поступци заштите у случају њеног настанка, Радно и социјално право, стр. 127-138, ХШ (17 2009)
Borisav Colié, Retired Supeme Court Judge
The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, the Conventions of the Internatonal Labour Organization No. 88 and 122 relating to employment service and policy of employment and Convention No. 181 on private employment agencies, directives, resolutions and recommendations of the European Union and the European Council as well as laws of the Republic of Serbia provide a legal ground for adoption of a new Law on employment and insurance in the event of unemployment.
The Law regulates the legal institutions such as the National Employment Service, the national plan of employment, act on performance, plan of action for employment, individual plans of employment, by-law of the National Employment Service, its Director and Board of Directors, the competence of the said bodies and their tasks in accordance with the Law and its sublegal enactments.
The Law further regulates the rights and obligations of unemployed persons and employers, adherence to principles of equal rights of employment, realization of employment and mediation, rights of unemployed persons, judicial and administrative protection, mutual official cooperation of all the above menitoned and other bodies, financial support in the process of employment, duration of rights, purpose and reason for adoption of the Law.
Key words: The National Employment Service, employment agencies, national plan of action for employment, mediation, active policy of employment, rights of employed persons, additional eduction and training, obligations of bodies engaged in employment services.