RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1979, page 188
ир the television programme from a time and intellectual point of view? There were only six replies of »Yes« to this question. Мапу participants also replied within the scope of this question to the following: Are TV reviews svfficiently ехреп? »If it is a question of television creativity, the answer is - Yes and all daily TV reviews should contain a panorama of all three television functions and follow the moments of the synthesis of these functions« - wrote director Jelašin Sinovec. In addition to the forty six exclusively negative replies that one personality cannot understand everything making up the television programme, deven replied that »It depends on the personal intellect, spirit and expertise of the critic«. The opinion was also expressed that one critic can follow all domains of TV creativity but from a layman’s point of view. Director Nikola Rajić considers that in addition to the abovementioned components (intellect, education, breadth of culture and expertise) a high level of experience is also essentiai. »Such critics are suspicious and I do not believe in what they write« replied writer Vojo Babić, while Đorđe Fišer, Novi Sad humorist, said »that even sounds funny«. Milan Andrić, TV Sarajevo reporter said »He« is able, if he must, if he knows something about the subject and then adds »the TV critic is really in a wretched position«. Let us now look at the opinions of a specific profession where broad general culture and experience are not sufficient to fo!low its work: professional training is necessary. Those - involved here prepare the majoritv of TV programmes - music editors. Dragan Cenerić considers that criticism is first and foremost non-expert. Ildi Ivanji blames critics for a lack of professionalism as regards both journalism and the realisation of the programme which is caused bay a lack of knowledge of the technology of programme-making. Kruno Cipci, TV Ljubljana director of Music and Dance Programmes, considers that besides expert knowledge of television, a knowledge of the programme concept of Yugoslav television is also essential.