RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1979, page 189
v ojm Komadina, Sarajevo TV drama programme composer says that IV reviews are »superficial, unmethodical, flattering, seductive, stereotyped, preaching and above all devoid of personality«. He did, however, add that the same remarks also refer to other forms of citicism. Srđan Barić, Belgrade 1V Music programme director, considers that reviews are lacking in speciaUzation in individual domains of creativity. »The тајогку of critics«, writes Barić, »do not have sufficient qualifications to be able to assess competently the extremely varied programme structure. This is especially seen in attempts to give critical assessments of music programmes which are admitedly extremely rare and which critics, due to they lack of knowledge of the materia - most frequently avoid«. Despite the тапу remarks made by television workers about revievvs, the problems confronting TV critics are most keenly felt by the critics themselves. This is why our questionnaire contained the following; Ifyou consider that there are relevant questions which have not been included, write them down and offer an answer: Igor Mandić, the celebrated journalist, wrote the foliowing: »Profile, training, qualifications of a TV critic? Of course there аге no specialized »schools« for TV critics but it would be desirable if they were recruited from the ranks of professional writer, and critics, with a high level of inteilect, an established renown as a writer with a proven, comprehensive and modern breadth of culture (knowledge of the relevant literature) and with an ability to put forward original and independent opinions. Departments of Television at the Philosophy and Phiiology Faculties аге not unthinkable and this could lead to the establishing of parallel groups of experts for following up TV literature, which would offer potentia! TV critics тоге specific education and training than tliey have today.« The questionnaire also containeđ the following question: In what way could уоиг cooperation with television critics be improved - do уои have апу suggestions? This question was put to television workers and critics. Here are some of the answers received from the critics. Ružica Maksimović (»Ilustrovana politika«) >'Rare are the meetings with real creative TV workers; it is usually the decision makers who attend the conferences...« Stjepan Košarog (»Studio«) »In order for television to open up, which