RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1979, page 190
is important in our society, on account of its tendency to become more and more hermeticaUy closed in upon itself, more effective bodies of social influence аге essential and these would have to work frequently and publically.« Žika Bogdanović, the NIN critic, considers that cooperation between television critics and television could improve if the television service improved its programme. Branka Malčić, »Vjesnik« associate, is one of the few critics who think that they »lack sufficie_nt knowledge about the internal structure of television, about the »other« side of programme creation. It is not sufficient to write and speak television from an armchair,..«. »Cooperation between critics and those under criticism (if tlie former is not open to flatter or bribery« - according to Igor Mandić - »is improbable, impossible and perhaps even unnecessary! The aim of criticism is not to »cooperate« but to destroy, challenge...« PART II What is meant by television reviews? Аге they made up of information, notes, personal impressions ог are they a studious analysis of the programme seen from the point of view of socio-political principles and requirements, aesthetic values and a number of other elements which are transmitted by this, the most powerful means of mass communication daily, with greater ог lesser success, to a huge audience. What kind of people become TV cnUcs? What kind of education and training does a cntic have and whatare his working conditions, his personal interest,his job and possibilities. Is there. anywhere in the world, a critic who can observe and wnte about the programmes broadcast (on two channels in hugoslavia) every day and what publication would be prepared to pubhsh the results of such a systematic commitment by a TV critic? In continuing our enquiry, let us look at the questions and the answers received from the television workers and their cnhcs, and try to form at least a basic idea of the present situation, which could possibly point out the fundamental problems in assessmg TV programmes and the results of that assessment of television. The great interest shown byTelevision workers throughout Vugoslavia goes to prove that this subject was not merely chosen by chance. On account of the large amount of material, we shall restrict ourselves to only those questions and quotes which аге mdicaUve ot the problems we wish to point out.