RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Naturally, when we speak of the relationship between language and television, we restnct ourselves to the technical side of the cognitive process. We will not look at the moral and poiitical side on which pubhc criticism of television broadcasting is based, although that cnticism is the most important. However, precisely because of the need to make a more effective analysis in ideologicai terms of television achievements, it is important to recognise and identify some of the »alarming indications of bad television« which are usuaiiy oased on prejudices conceming the technical side of the medium, A lot of words are wasted on these prejudices, and these words neither contribute to getting the message accross but nor do шеу hinder it. Неге аге some of these prejudices: * Accordmg to some: if television does not speak in dignified and measured tones, then it is bad; The truth is quite different: a rapid unexpected change ш impulses on the screen is one of the conditions ior television viewability.