RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

and 35Х basls over $lB mitlion has been expended on the construction of an Headpuarters , Regional Rađio Stations and procurement of various kinds of commodities including stuđio epuipment and generators . Following the original five уеаг period of the project, two of which were years of delay in the start of the project, an extension period of 18 months was added to the project duration, which will now actually end by early 1989. A technical assistance team consisting of radio programmers , researchers and trainers , is provided by a USAID grant through a U.S. based firm, the Institute for International Research , a сотрапу with vast experience in implementing development communication projects . GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Тће Charter of the Liberian Rural Communications Network manđates it to make a significant contribution to raise the standard of living of Liberia's rural population . And it has been charged with fulfilling the following objectives : - To promote the increased use of Government services by rural people and to a greater portion of Liberia's popglation . - To foster increased communication between villages , anđ local, regional and national government. - To promote the participation and involvement of rural people in well-organized self-help activities and national development. - To educate rural people in development-orienteđ activities such as health , agriculture and literacy . - To serve as a medium of exchange of information and experience between rural people . The Network has been attempting to achieve these objectives by taking the lead in promoting anđ expiaining development activities; by working with and facilitating the efforts of other development agencies; and by transfernng the knowledge present in every Liberian community to its neighbors .