RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS The three regional ог local radio stations of LRCN came on air in August, 1986. The stations are located in three major regions of the country covering a population of 600,000 and above , Station ELRV is located in Voinjama in Lofa County in the North-vvest of the country; ELRG is located in Gbarnga , Bong County in the central region; ELRZ is located in Zwedru , Grand Gedeh County , in the South-east, Broadcast strength of each of the stations is 10,000 watts - and broadcasts on medium wave . Since the stations openeđ in 1986, the level of engagement by development agencies and the excitement created in rural Liberia has been quite astonishing , as a result the potential impact that this model of development communications promised for Liberia is broader and deeper . COMMUNITT RELATION STRATEGV LRCN has developed into an instrument for marKeting information , educatlon and useful products . It can reach 70/. of the rural population through its primary coverage and more through its secondary coverage . The network has been building credibility and increasmg its listeners daily . In order for its services to be bought regularly , LRCN has built for itself a permanent client base among its users . Services such as purchasing music reguests and messages , anđ local contestš such as "Color the Poster" contest which it organized for an ORT clinic have already proved popular . Listening groups have been established in a number of communities - and they generate discussion of program topics by villagers and help eff ect action on their community problems . STAFF RECRUITMENT In hirlng staff to run the local rađio stations , the Mocalness' of prospective candldates has been a major requirement for recruitment . That is , emphasis for recruitment is placed on the abillty of staff members of the vanous radio stations m speakmg the local languages m which the station broadcast its programs . So that m adđition to Enghsh , the local staff each speak a local language common m the region of the station - anđ also for easy cross-cultural purposes. Some of the regional staff belong to -local secret societies such as the Poro (for men ) and Sande (for women ) .