RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

COMMUNITV INVOLVEMENT In order for the communities in the coverage areas to regard the broadcasting stations as their "own" and for them to have a "voice" in its programming , a Programme Ađvisorv Committee was established in each station агеа . The Committee consists of members selected from the station's audience and it assists in generating programming ideas , use of appropriate words in the local languages and advises the station Management , m order to provide a check and balance in its programming . in addition , the services of talented individuals f rom various areas from time to tlme are hired for them to heip as continuity announcers , newsreaders anđ actors in dramas. These 'talents' or 'volunteers' give their services to the station as a sort of voluntar/ work . IMPACT EVALUATION RESULTS A baseline survey was carned out before LRCN began broadcasting. One уеаг later, an impact evaluation sought to measure what difference LRCN has made to rural Liberians were conducted . The analysis of the impact survey is not complete , but there аге strong indications that LRCN is increasingly influential. Both studies were carried out by LRCN in collaboration wlth a firm of researchers led by Dr . Dennis Foote called the Applied Communication Technology Incorporated baseđ in California , USA . 1 . LISTENERSHIP 45/ of those guestioneđ listened to LRCN everyday . 70/ listeneđ several times per week . 2. KNOWLEDGE ELRV in Voinjama , Lof a County , and ELRG m Gbarnga , Bong County, promoted fishfarmlng. When asked for their primary source of mformation about fishfarmmg , radio was plain|y mcreasingly important . RADIO AS PRIMARV SOURCE BONG COUNTV LOFA COUNTV Before broadcastmg on LRCN 5Z 17У. Опе уеаг later 39/ 59/