RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

All three stations broadcast programs about family plannmg. People were asked if they knew how to prevent ргедпапсу . Those who cited several ways increaseđ as follows : KNEW SEVERAL WAYS TO BONG LOPA GRAND GEDEH PREVENT PREGNANCV COUNTV COUNTV COUNTV Before broadcasting on LRCN 24 V. ззу 24Х One уеаг later 50И 107. 62Х 3 . BEHAVIOR CHANGE CCCD organizes immunization campaigns each уеаг . Recorđ keeping is important, and parents are asked to bring a vaccination card with them when children аге imnunized . LRCN both promoted vaccination in 1986, and tolđ mathers to саггу the card CARRIED CARD WITH THEM ALL STATIONS Before broadcasting on LRCN 30 7. After Campaign 10V. The уеаг LRCN carried the campaign information, attendance increased 300'/. . Cost per shot fell from $4.50 to $0.90. WHAT DOES LRCN MEANS TODAY TO DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES? LRCN has not only demonstrated that it is capable o- staying on air , but also that it can produce. programmes of great effectiveness and popularity to local auđiences . Гог ;xample , it recently supported an immumzation campaign mountel by the Combatting Childhoođ Commumcabie Diseases Project ard tnpled the number of people asking for vaccinations . Develoiment institutions are reguestmg and paying for their staft to be trameđ by LRCN as broadcasters . Agencies represenmg every sector are buymg production servićes anđ amtime .