The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


literary records of our ancestors, and gives us a vivid picture of the exalted ideals which already ruled their lives in those far-distant days. Relatively fixed data are obtained for the much-conjectured beginning of the Bronze Age in Britain, and of the race who introduced it and manufactured the Early Bronze weapons, implements and trinkets which are unearthed from time to time, and hitherto supposed to be “Celtic.” The racial character and original homeland of the pre-Aryan aborigines of the British Isles in the Stone Age also become evident. And we discover that the hitherto inexplicable Unity in the essentials of all the Ancient Civilizations is owing to the original Unity of the Higher Civilization, and its diffusion throughout the world by its originators, the ruling race of Aryans, and especially by their sea-going branch, the Phcenicians.

Historically, besides recovering the approximate dates of the chief waves of Aryan-Briton invasions, and the political causes apparently leading to these invasions, we recover and establish the historicity, names, achievements and dates of a great number of the chief kings and heroes of the Ancient Britons in what has hitherto been considered ‘the prehistoric period.’ Amongst other results is the interpretation of the unexplained legends and the wholly unknown origin and meaning of the symbols stamped upon the very numerous coins of the Ancient Britons in the pre-Roman period, and now disclosed for the first time.

In British National Patron Saints and emblems of Pheenician origin are now found to be St. George of Cappadocia and England and his Dragon legend and his Red Cross ; also the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. Patrick, now forming with St. George’s the Union Jack and the kindred Scandinavian ensigns, all of which crosses are found to have been carried by the Phcenicians as their sacred standards of victory and imported and transplanted by them in the remote past on to British soil. ‘‘ Britannia ’’ also is discovered to have been evolved by the ancient sea-going Phcenicians as their patronymic tutelary goddess, and under the same name and with substantially the same form of representation as the British “ Britannia.’’ And the Pheenician origin and hitherto unknown