The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


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meaning of the Unicorn and Lion emblems in British heraldry are now disclosed for the first time,

Linguistically, we now find that the English, Scottish, Irish, Gaelic, Cymric, Gothic and Anglo-Saxon languages and their script, and the whole family of the so-called “ Aryan ” languages with their written letters, are derived from the Aryan Pheenician language and script through their parent, the “ Hittite ’ or Sumerian ; and that about fifty per cent of the commonest wordsin use in the “‘ English’ Language to-day are discovered to be Sumerian, “‘ Cymrian”’ or Hittite in origin, with the same word-form, sound and meaning. This fact is freely illustrated in these pages, as critical words occur incidentally as we proceed. And it is found that the English and “ Doric” Scottish dialects preserve the original Aryan or “Sumerian” form of words more faithfully than either the Sanskrit or Greek. The Pheenician origin of the ancient sacred ‘‘ Ogam ”’ script of the pre-Christian monuments in the British Isles is also disclosed.

In Religion, it is now found that the exalted religion of the Aryan Phoenicians, the so-called “ Sun-worship,”’ with its Jofty ethics and belief in a future life with resurrection from the dead, was widely prevalent in early Britain down to the Christian era, In this ‘‘ Sun-worship,”’ as it is usually stvled by modern writers, we shall see that, although the earliest Aryans worshipped that luminary itself, they were the first people to imagine the idea of God in heaven, and at an early period evolved the idea of the One Universal God, as “ The Father God,” some millenniums before the birth of Abraham, and they symbolized him by the Sun. T hey further emblemized the Sun as “ The Light of the World” by the True Cross, in the manner now discovered, and they carved the Cross, as the symbol of Universal Divine Victory, upon their sacred seals and standards, and sculptured it upon their monuments from the fourth millennium B.c. downwards; and invented the Swastika with the meaning now disclosed. This now explains for the first time the very numerous Crosses and Swastikas carved upon the prehistoric stone monuments and pre-Christian Stone Crosses with their other solar and nonChristian symbols throughout the British Isles, It also now