The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Scy ths! or Getae, the Greco-Roman form of the name“ Goth ” —the historical significance of this fact will be seen later.

These ancient imperial Khatti people of Asia Minor and Syria-Pheenicia, are the same ruling race which are now generally known as the “ Hittites”; for, although calling ~hemselves ‘“‘ Khai ’’ and called also thus by the Babylonians and Ancient Egyptians, the Hebrews corrupted the spelling of that name into ‘“‘ Heth” and “ Hitt’? in their Old Testament, when referring to them as the ruling race in Phoenicia and Palestine on the arrival of Abraham there ; and the translators of our English version of the Hebrew text have further obscured the original form of the name by adding the Latin affix ife, thus arbitrarily coining the modern term “ Hitt-ite.”’

The identity of these Khatti Arri, or “ Hitt-ites’’ with the eastern branch of the Aryans who invaded and civilized (by Aryanizing) India, was now made practically certain by my further observation that the latter people also called themselves in their Epics by the same title as did the Hitt-ites. They called themselves Khaitiyo Aviyo in their early Pali vernacular, and latterly Sanskritized it by the intrusion of anv into Kshatriya? Arya (in Hindi Khaitri Arya), and these Indian names (Khattiyo, Kshatriva) have the same radical meaning of ‘‘cut, or ruler,’ as the Hittite A‘ha/fti has. Later I observed that the early Khatti or “ Hitt-ites,” as well as the Phcenicians, called themselves by an early form of Barat, i.c. as we shall see the original of “ Brit” or “ Brit-on,’ and that they also used that form itself (see Fig. 5 and later) ; and that their language was essentially Aryan in its roots and structure. This practically established the identity of the Khatti or Hitt-ites with the IndoAryans, and disclosed Cappadocia in Asia Minor as the lost cradle-land of the Aryans.

This now led to my discovery of the key, or rather the complete bunch of keys to the lost early history, not only of the Indian branch of the Aryans and its parent Aryan stock back to the rise of the Aryan race, but also to the lost history of the Khatti or Hitt-ites themselves, who have

1BLS. Novr. 504. 2 Also spelt Xatriya, and ‘ Hittite’’ is also spelt Xaftt.