The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


The ruins of their great walled cities, built ot cyclopean masonry and adorned with sculptures and hieroglyphic writing are found throughout the length and breadth of Asia Minor and extend into Syria-Phcenicia; and the country is intersected by their great arterial highways, the so-called “royal roads, radiating from their ancient capital at

STN Milt a a jai


Fic. 4.—Early Khatti, “ Catti’’ or Hitt-ites in their Rocksculptures dating probably before 2000 B.c.

(After Perrot and Guillaume.)!


Note ‘Gothic’ dress and snow-boots, The scene is part of a religious procession.

Boghaz Koi or Pteria in the heart of Cappadocia, the tradi-

tional home of St. George of England, and the country in

which St. Andrew, the apostle and patron saint of the

Scots, is reported to have travelled in his mission to the

1PGG.,pl. 49. From bas-reliefs in the Iasili rock-chambers below Boghaz Koi or Pteria in Cappadocia.