The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Abbreviations: A.B.=Ancient Britain; n.=name.

Aberdeen, patron saint, St. Machar,

a Phoenic. tutelary, 357-9; Pheenic. emblems in city arms, 3357 : Aberdeenshire, bronze sickles in, 183, 357; King Part-olon’s

Pheenic. inscripts. of 400 B.c. in Don Valley of, 1f., 16t.; Pict underground villages in, 99, 199; prehist. sculptured stones in, 10; St. Michael's holy wells in, Phoenic., 341, 357f.; Stone Circles in, sacted, 19, 235; exali or Taizali A.B. tribe in, 357

Aborigines of Albion, not Britons, 103, 111, 120f., 168, 365 ; physical type of, non-Aryan, Iberian, Riverbed race, 163, 120-2, 134-5, 140, 365; as Picts, o5i., r11f. ; as Vans, Wans, Fenes or Finns, 93f. ; advent of, 98f.; cannibalism of, 125; human sacrifice by, 183, 232; matriarchy of, g2f.: Serpeut worship of, 94f., 106f., 119, 124, 183, 271, 331; skin clad, 145; Stone Age sporadic Aryan type as straggler Amorite Pheenic, traders, 224-5

Aborigines of Ireland, as Van, Wan, Bian or Fen or Fene matriarchists, g1f.; advent of, from Stone Age Albion, 92f., 122f.

Acead or Amorite Pheenic. tin traders in Albicn about 2800 B.c., 160, 165-71, 215, 413f.

Ace, n. derived from Sumer, 240; see Words

Achaians, a tribe of Hitto-Pheenicians, 177, 246, 331; and the Goat symbol, 325, 331; n. Sumer, 331

Adam, “ Son of God,” of Sumerians, 239, 253

Addedo-maros (Aedd-mawr), A.B. coins of, with Phoenic. (Adad) solar emblems, 285, 339, 393

FF 4

Adder, worshipped by aborigines in Albion, ro5f.; r1ro, 124-5, 183, 310f.; 331

-\edd the great, father of Prydain oi Brutus, 170, 190

‘£gean culture, in Crete, introd. by Phoenicians, 27, 63-4, 161 ; spirai ornament in, Hitto-Pheenic. source and meaning of, 182, 247

AZneas, ancestor of A.B. kings, 148-9, 151; Trojan emblems of, as in Britain, 149

| sv legend on A.B. coins, Hitto-

Sumer source of n., 284-5, 413

Ethel, Ethel or Ged], Sumer source of Gothic n., 182

Affixes to Brit. place names, HittoSumer or Phoenician, 43, 171, 203-4; to Pict place-names, 204

Agadir, Phcenician port, ve Cudder Point, and Penzance 68, 172, and see Gades or Agadir or Gadeira, 172

Agathyrsi, ve Agadir, n. for Part olon’s tribe, 68, 394f.

Agenor, Phoenician king, descendants of, in Britain, 161, 167

Agriculture, era of, instituted by Aryans, 49, 345, 361 ; in Britain, introduced by Pheenics., 170, 357; patron saint of, 345f.; Pheenic. tutelary of, worshipped in A,B., 348f.; see Corn Spirit ; a sacred rite of Aryans, 49; see Corn Spirit and Plough

Aire, Irish-Scot and Gaelic =Aryan, Ig!

Aken-aten, art of, Aryan Pheenician, 220f.; art religious motives of, in A.B., 333-6, etc. ; solar cult of, Phoenician, and reflected in A.B., 221, 205—6f.

Alban, early n. of Albion, 87, 97, 103, 163 ; meaning of n., 103f. Alban, Silvanus, colonization of Albion abont 1150 B.c. by, 162-4,