The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



Albania n. for Scotland, toa, 157

Albans, St., anc. Verulam, cap. of Cassivellannus, 408.

Albion, early n. for Britain, 155; aborigines of, 103f.

Al-Clyde, Al-Clutha, Celtic n. for Dun-Barton, 197

Alfred, King, translates Briton lawcodes for Anglo-Saxons, 181, 385-8 .

Alpha and Omega, God n. derived from Sumer, 252

Alphabet, Aryan Pheenic. origin of, 27-8, 31-34; Ogam, Pheenic. Fire-cult origin of, 35-7 ; Semitic Phoeenic., 27, 33, 53-

Alpine or Round-headed race in Britain, 134-6, 141, 365f.

Amber trading Phoenicians in A.B. and Baltic, 171, 218-9, 222

America, U.S., Briton racial ele-

ments and civilization in, 377 Amor-ites, in Albion about 2800

B.c. as Tin traders, 160, 167, 160, I7I, 190, 216, 413f.; a Semitic n. for Mar, Martu or Muru HittoPheenics., 13, 216; as Aryans, 224-5, 257-8, 411-2 ; as‘ giants” of Early Albion, 153, 155, 160, 167-9, 171, 216f.; as “ giant” tulers of pre-Israelite Palestine and Jerusalem, 216, 274, 417; as “sons of Anak,’’ 417; Bronze Age introd. A.B. by, 161, 183; cup-marks used by, 257 ; physical type of, 224-5; Stone Circles in A.B. erected by, 167, 169, 183, 216f. ; Sun-priestess of, Resurrection prayer and Cross of, 257,

411-2 ; Tin mines of, in Cornwall, |

190, 216, 413f. ; Moray, Moridun, More-cambe Bay, West Mor-land, etc., with prehist. mines and Stone Circles ve Mors or Amorites, 217

Amulets in A.B., Cross as, 378; Cross and other Sun emblems on Hitto-Sumer Pheenic. and Trojan, as in A.B.,238f.; snake-stones as aboriginal, 125

Anak, sons of, in Britain, 417

Anatolia or Hittite Asia Minor, abode of Magi or “‘ wise men of the East ’’ at Epiphany, 279

Ancient Aryan place and river names in A.B., bestowed by Phoenicians, r88f.


Ancient Britons of Aryan race and highly civilized, see Briton

Ancient Names as sources of history, 189

Ando, n. on A.B. coins, variant of Andrew, 317, 330

Andrew, variant of Hitto-Sumer god-name Indara or Indra, 246, 315f.

Andrew, St., incorporates HittoSumer Indara worship, 246, 315f. ; Cross of, in Hitto-Sumer and Phoen. seals, etc., as Indara’s hammer, 316f., see Andrew Cross ; festival of, in England, 327; Goat or Unicorn and, 332f., see Goat; patron of Goths, Scyths, etc., 315f. ; pre-Christian worship of, in A.B.,250f., 315f., 320f., 326f.

Andrew, the apostle, an Arvan Hitto-Pheenic. or Goth, 315f, 321%.

Andrews, St., pre-Christian Indara shrine at, 321, 326; sculpture of Indara tearing the Lion (antagonist of Sun) at, 327

Angel gold coins of Early England, of Phcenic. type and legend, 360

Angel of the Lord, The, of O.T. is Pheenic. Tas-Michael (worshipped in A.B.), 275, 344

Angels, Aryan origin of idea of, 342f., worship of, in A.B., see Coins, Monuments, Archangel

Angles, a branch of Britons, 44, 186-7; as Yngl-ing Goths ot Eddas, 186

Anglo-Saxon, modern term coined for language, 186; language of Briton origin, 170f., 186f., 370

Anglo-Saxons, a branch of Britons, 14, 44, 186-7; adopted Briton law-codes, 181, 385-8

Animals, sacred, of Hitto-Pheenic. in A.B.; see Eagle, Goat and Deer, Goose, Hawk, Horse, Bull and Sun-cult

Antenor, Phoenic., descendants of, in A.B., 160-1

Anthropomorphic god, inA.B., 250f., 266f.; Hitto-Sumer origin of, 245f., 342.

Apostles Andrew, Bartholomew, Peter and Philip as Aryan Pheenicians, 82-3, 281, 323f.

Ap, prefix in Cymric names, 88

Aquitania, Picts in, 118, 154, 374