The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Names, persistence of, anc. ethnic and place, 189; surnames in Brit. derived from Pheenic., 215

Nas-atya, Vedic n. of dual Sun from Sumer, 242; and represented in A.B., 237, 242, 249

Nazir, or devotee, Sumer origin of,


Necklaces of Pheenic. beads in A.B. about I400 B.c., 220

Need, sacred Fires, in Brit. produced by Hitto-Pheen. way, 37, 27 it.

Nennius’ (Ninian’s) Briton Chronicle, 74, 143

Neolithic high-grade Flints and culture introd. by Pheenics., 183, 218, 366

Neptune, Hitto-Pheen. origin of idea, n. and represent., 58

Newton Stone, Pheenic. inscripts. on, I, 16, 28f.; date of, 33f.; decipherment of, 26f.; Ogam inscriptn. on, 30f.

Night, Gates of, pictured in A.B. coins and monuments as in HittoPheenic., 247-0, 308

Nina, Aryan Amorite sun-priestess, prayer of abt. 4000 B.c., with Cup-marks, as in A.B., 257i., 411f.

Nine Maidens, origin of, 106-7

Nin-girsu, n. for TaSi or Tascio of

A.B., 354

Nordic race as Aryan or Gothic, 134f.

Normans, branch of British Goths, 275

Norse and Swede, Aryan Gothic type of, 135

Norse relations with prehistoric

Brito-Phoenics. ve amber trade, |

171, 218 Northumbrian dialect of Anglo-Sax. as Briton dialect, 179-80 Numbers, occult values of, in Cupmarks, etc., 242f. Numerals, English names of, detived from Sumer, 24of. Nursery rhyme, English words of Sumer origin, 242

Oannes, Phoenician Noah, in Cormwall(?), 193

Observation table-stone in Stone Circles in Brit, 226f., 2378. ; Sunrise sighting by, 230


Observatories, solar, of Pheenics. in A.B., 216f.

Oddendale, Stone Circles, 234 Oddin'’s or Thor’s horse, the Sunhorse of Hitto-Pheenics., 286-7 Ogam, a Pheenic. solar script, 37 ; inscripts. at Brittenden, 44; in Ireland, 35; at Logie, 20; at

Lunasting, 77, 1790, 209; at

Newton, 30f.; at Silchester, 44 ;

in Wales, Bol., 98; origin of,

| _35f.; Sumerian affinity of, 36

Ogamoid inscript., in Hittite, 36

Olon or Aulaun or Wallon, A.B. tribal and pers. n. as “ Hittite,’ 6of.

Omega, n. derived from Sumer, 252

Ope (Lat. oppidum), Cassi affix for town(?), 202 _

Orientation, of avenues of Stone Circles, 225 ; of faces of A.B. dead, 225, 262; of Observation Stone in Circles, 226f.

Orkney and A.B. Phoenics., 35, 76

| Ottadini tribe in A.B., 163

Ouse, river n. of Pheenic. origin, 174

Panch-ala, Vedic n. for Phcenics., | 1, r2f., 188 | Pani, Vedic n. for Van, Fen or Biani aborigines of Van, 99 Palestine or “‘ Land of Moriah or Amorites,” Aryan Hittites or | Amorites as rulers in pre-Israelite, see Amorite, Moriah and | Jerusalem | Paradise, solar, of the Amorites, Sumers and Trojans, asin A.B., 257-60, 412 Parat, or Part, n. Barat, 53 Parthenia, n. for Tarsus, 54, 58 Parthini tribe, in Macedonia, 158, 213, 405 Parthenos, n. Diana, 64 Partholcim, 82, see Part-olon Part-olon, Aryan Pheenician “’ Kingof-the-Scots ’’ about 400 B.c., 2, 32, 38f., 52f., 67, 74; date of arrival in Brit., 387; date of inscription of, 33f.; Bar-clensis title of, 78; as Bel worshipper, 1, 32f.; as Briton and Scot, 2,

for Pheenic.

for Britannia or

32, 52, 67, 74, 86; as Cassi clan, 47f.; as Cath-luan, 304f.; as